Google vs Azure Backup – Which is More Cost-Effective?

August 24, 2021

Google vs Azure Backup – Which is More Cost-Effective?

As more businesses are becoming reliant on cloud backup and recovery services, it is essential to consider the cost-effectiveness of these services. This blog post provides an unbiased and factual comparison of the cost-effectiveness of two of the most popular cloud backup and recovery services: Google and Azure.

Google Backup and Recovery

Google provides its cloud backup and recovery services through Google Cloud Platform (GCP). GCP offers different pricing options based on the amount of data being stored or the frequency of data backup. For example, Google charges $0.10 per GB per month for standard storage and $0.20 per GB per month for nearline storage. Furthermore, Google also charges for data retrieval, which means that businesses may incur additional costs while retrieving data from backup.

Azure Backup and Recovery

Azure is a cloud computing service provided by Microsoft, and it offers backup and recovery services through Azure Backup. Azure charges based on the frequency of backup and the amount of data being stored. For example, Azure charges $0.20 per GB per month for the first 50TB of data stored and $0.10 per GB per month for data stored beyond 50TB. Moreover, there are no additional charges for data retrieval, which makes it easier for businesses to predict and manage their backup and recovery costs.

Cost Comparison

Both Google and Azure offer competitive pricing options that differ based on the amount of data being stored or backed up. To provide a fair comparison, let's consider an example of a business that needs to backup and store 1TB of data per month.

Using Google's standard storage option, the total cost comes to $120 per year for 1TB of data. However, if the business needs to retrieve all the 1TB data, then the cost will double to $240 per year (excluding network costs).

Using Azure's backup option, the total cost comes to $240 per year for 1TB of data. This includes backup and recovery costs, which means that a business can retrieve data from backup without incurring any additional costs.

In this example, Azure is more cost-effective than Google regarding backup and recovery services for 1TB of data per month. However, note that this cost comparison may differ based on the amount of data being backed up or retrieved.


In conclusion, both Google and Azure offer cost-effective backup and recovery services. However, based on our example, Azure is more cost-effective regarding backup and recovery costs. Nevertheless, businesses should consider and compare different pricing options offered by these services to find the best fit for their needs.


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